Catching and preventing Bugs with AI

Catching and preventing Bugs with AI

Stage 10 - Kongresssaal 2
-All-Tech & Tools


In this presentation, attendees will learn about common bugs and challenges that often arise during video game development. The discussion will also explore how artificial intelligence (AI) can be used to effectively identify and address these issues. The presentation will dive into different ways that AI can be employed to connect game developers and researchers. By the end, developers will have a clearer understanding of how AI can simplify their testing processes.
Target Audiences
Game developers, QA testers, game studios
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
- Gain insights into the capabilities of AI and how it can be leveraged to automatically detect bugs and issues in game development. - Attendees will improve their understanding of automatically finding the bugs and issues that impact user experience. - Additionally, attendees will have the opportunity to witness a real-life scenario that demonstrates the integration of AI into the game development timeline.
Session Type

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