Delighting Gamers at the Edge (Presented by Akamai Technologies)

Delighting Gamers at the Edge (Presented by Akamai Technologies)

Blauer Salon
-All-Game DesignTech & Tools


The cloud is changing shape. But what form will it take in the next few years? And how will it handle the games of the future? In this fireside chat, Akamai and Gameye discuss how the distributed cloud will revolutionize the industry, why an orchestrator will be an essential part of any game developer’s toolkit, and what it all means for the players themselves. Using research from The Great Cloud Reset, a new Forrester Consulting study, commissioned by Akamai, you’ll learn exactly what distributed cloud computing is, how it affects the gaming world, and why it matters.
Target Audiences
Gaming studios and publishers - Developer, Architect, Technologist, CTO, CFO, CEO
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
- Edge Computing with Akamai Connected Cloud is available today - Distributed Edge Cloud provides low latency, via hyper locality for game workloads at global scale - Akamai + Gameye solve the problem of game server hosting and orchestration at the edge
Session Type

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