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devcom Developer Conference 2024

Attendee Survey

devcom Developer Conference 2025

devcom Leadership Summit

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Gold Sponsors



The gamescom biz Community app is also available as:

iPhone App | Andoid App

Have the program, connections, exhibitions and your schedule available mobile!






#ddc2024 is hybrid: What does that mean for you?

At devcom, we are all about connecting the games industry, sharing knowledge, and encouraging change towards a better future. Going hybrid gives us the chance to leave no one behind and guarantee every attendee has access to as much content as technically possible – no matter if you join us in person or from your desk anywhere in the world.

Conference Program:

All talks will be streamed live and made available to all attendees, even after the event has ended.

Main Exhibition:

Even if you can’t make the trip to Cologne, you can still check out all attending partners, or be a part of our Business Expo yourselves.


devcom will open its matchmaking system & even platform on July 15 and leave it open until September 30, for more weeks of intense matchmaking after devcom has ended.


Please read and acknowledge our Code of Conduct!

Use our anonymous form to report a CoC violation or discuss a concern.

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See all the content and easy-to-use features by logging in or registering!

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