[No VOD] Head Over Feels: Creating Complex Romances in Games

[No VOD] Head Over Feels: Creating Complex Romances in Games

Monday, August 19, 2024 1:30 PM to 2:30 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Stage 1 - Confex Level 0 (Expo)
-All-CultureNarrative Design


This panel is aimed at both aspiring and established Game Devs looking to create meaningful and compelling romances for their projects. We will tackle: -The challenges that come with writing complex love stories -Creating narratives that honor your characters and their goals -Love and sex as more than a simple reward in the player’s gaming experience All panelists will be asked about their approaches, main inspirations, and mindsets.
Target Audiences
Narrative designers, inspiring writers in games
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
This panel is aimed at both aspiring and established Game Devs looking to create meaningful and compelling romances for their projects. We will tackle: -The challenges that come with writing complex love stories -Creating narratives that honor your characters and their goals -Love and sex as more than a simple reward in the player’s gaming experience All panelists will be asked about their approaches, main inspirations, and mindsets.
Session Type

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