Who Owns Cyberspace?
Stage 17 - Confex Level 2
-All-Community ManagementGame Design
A journey through the evolution of online worlds, from the MUD’s of the early 80’s to Modern day MMOs, exploring how so called virtual goods, are as real as material ones, in every sense of the word. The talk will demonstrate how In-game assets in online worlds can create personal wealth and contribute identically the same values to nations’ GDP, as physical ones do.
Virtual economics will be analysed through real world examples: AlphaMOO, Second life, Ultima Online, Everquest, World of Warcraft, and more.m - as well as Ideas, predictions and early design decisions in the development of EVE-Online concerning the persistent in-game economy, will be explored.
The speaker will summarise a number of concrete lessons learnt from experience, as well as new insights. It concludes with the future outlook for Online Worlds and the speaker’s own predictions.
Target Audiences
Game Designers, MMO designers. Game masters and executives in game in industry. Should also be generally interesting to developers with some industry, or MMO gameplay experience.
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
Speaker is animated and passionate by default, and will in addition emphasise being concise and engaging.
Will deliver practical advise, knowledge and experience only a few dozen people in the world share, and all his personal secrets.
Regardless of how advanced an audience member’s knowledge or experience of the topic - they will hear at least more than one thing, they either didn’t know, hadn’t heard of, or didn’t understand until then. Guaranteed. …and it’ll be fun!
Session Type