Kids Connection: Harnessing the Power of Games to Teach Kids Empathy, Resilience and Creative Problem-Solving
Along with inventing endless fun, designers who create games for kids should take advantage of opportunities to design transformative social and emotional learning (SEL) experiences for young players. That might include helping kids manage emotions, rebound after a setback, standup for themselves and others. In this session we'll look at the developmental journey from childhood to young adolescence with its joys, fears, triumphs, and challenges. By understanding the journey from this perspective, game designers can empower young players with skills and insights needed for success in games and in real life. We'll also look at current titles that do an exceptional job of meeting kids where they are and helping them level up.
Target Audiences
Developers who design games for 5-12 year olds
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
Kids deserve to fall in love with games that understand and love them back. Designers can use what they know about the social and emotional challenges of growing up to create games that entertain as well as support kids' social development.
Session Type