10 Key Questions to Prioritize Community Health in Game Development

10 Key Questions to Prioritize Community Health in Game Development



Join Sharon Fisher (Club Penguin/Disney, Two Hat, Keywords Studios) as she shares 10 questions that can help you build your game with a community health-first mindset. She’ll examine why building your own moderation software isn't a game worth playing and explore how to make community features a priority at every stage of game design. In this talk, you’ll gain valuable insight into the power of community and moderation to enhance player experience and increase profitability.
Target Audiences
All developers, Community Management
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
By attending this talk, viewers will: - Gain insight into the importance of prioritizing community health principles at every stage of game development - Get a better understanding of the challenges involved in building your own moderation solution - Learn how community features impact player experience, brand reputation, and profitability
Session Type