Reimagining Your IP For Virtual Reality

Reimagining Your IP For Virtual Reality

Stage 11 - VR Track - Confex Level 2
-All-Game DesignVR / XR


Crossing the boundaries between Flat Screen and VR can be a daunting task, but with the help of this talk, you’ll get an understanding of how to retain the essence of your IP whilst adapting it for virtual reality. In this session, we’ll be talking through reimagining core gameplay for VR, how to decide what to keep vs what to cut when bringing your IP across the Flat Screen/Virtual Reality border, and highlight the main challenges when developing for standalone VR, PCVR and PSVR2. To illustrate, we’ll be showcasing some of the work we did for Metal: Hellsinger VR, which is out later this year!
Target Audiences
Experience Level
Key Take Aways
- How to retain a game’s identity when rebuilding it for VR, - Challenges that you can face developing a multiplatform VR port, - Reviewing your priorities for VR,
Session Type