How to destroy a democracy - a game for schools

How to destroy a democracy - a game for schools

Thursday, August 22, 2024 12:00 PM to 12:30 PM · 30 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Stage 6
Science and EducationSpecial Focus: Games & Democracy


"Deine Stimme“ (German for "Your Voice/Vote") is a game designed to raise awareness among young people about populist, extremist and autocratic movements within the political landscape. It consists of three parts: the election campaign involving four fictional parties, the election process, and the "post-election scenario". Depending on which party receives the most votes, there can be a democracy, a government coup, or a dictatorship. The game is played collectively in the classroom. The setting is a fictional internet platform with video sequences. In the session, there is an insight into the game's conception and production, and we discuss why resilience against autocratic strategies can be particularly well-trained through gameplay.
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